Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Well. the long awaited day has finally arrived! To paraphrase M. C. Hammer,... Uganda time!


Unknown said...

Hey Peter,

I know that God is going to work miracles through you. All praise and glory to His name. Rock the world in Jesus' name my dear brother. We will be lifting you up every time the Lord brings you to mind.

Monica and Gharlie

Anonymous said...


God's blessings on your trip. I know God is going to use you in powerful ways. And He is going to use this time to further refine you. Remember it is Christ in you the hope of glory.

Pastor Bill

Beau Millican said...

So good to gwt an update on you, tihngs are well with me here, may God bless all those you come in contact with.
love Brother,

garybaer said...


I heard you got stuck in London for a day? That is a royal bummer. Get it? "Royal" bummer! I know the Queen would be proud if she knew you were there!

Lifting you before the throne of grace is our mission... We are so very proud of you. Can't wait to read your first update. Blessings, Gary

Linda Baer said...

Heard that you missed one of the flights. Big bummer! Well, we will continue to pray for your safe arrival. God's field work awaits you my friend. Blessings on this amazingly awesome journey. We are so happy to share this experience with you. Just remember, much prayer, much power! Lots of love!