Thursday, July 3, 2008

Greetings folks, This whole process is still taking some getting used to.(blogging, that is) We arrived in London , wednesday afternoon and have been here since then. We missed our connecting flight to Nairobi and had to wait till Thurs evening to find out this flight was overbooked. We are (supposedly) leaving Friday morning for Nairobi and (eventually Uganda) Not exactly thrilled at having to spend the extra time here at Heathrow Airport, but certainly it has been an excersize in patience and endurance and good cheer. Miss you guys greatly, hopefully I'll give an account when we get to our final destination. Peace and love, Peter


Unknown said...

Hi Peter,

Happy 4th!! I know it must seem disappointing to still be in London, but I've been learning lately that even as life's disappointments and detours seem daunting, God's hand is sovereign in all things, even in missed flights and time consuming lay overs. Hang in there dear brother, and look for those opportunities that God has placed in you lap. You never know the lives you will touch.

God bless.

garybaer said...


I love you brother! You are clearly demonstrating the leadership which God placed in you from before the creation of the world. He has known you, and loved you always.

Please know we are praying for you and many others as well. Hang tough. England must really need some airport evangelists! Win any souls lately?

Say hello to the Sultan when you arrive Qutar!

"So the last will be first, and the first will be last." Matt 20:16

All our love, Gary and Linda

Linda Baer said...

Peter, if the situation arises that you can secure a flight by purchasing one at the gate. Call us and we will pay for it with credit card over the phone. Do what it takes my friend. God will provide the resources, so don't hesitate to ask. I can also Western Union money to Uganda if you provide me with the necessary information. We just want to equip you to do God's work in whatever country you might end up.
Lots of love. We are praying!!!

Ben Pahlow said...

I am so sorry this is happening. Please try to contact Ben or Melody on our cell phones. Melody 630 742 7635 or Ben 630 742 0177. Please try to keep us posted and John Dameron too. We are praying hard! You are loved!

Linda Baer said...

Just an update for those who are checking this blog. Peter has safely made it to Nairobi with his 60 year old travel partner, Debbie via the Middle East on Qatar Airlines. Two flights and 12 hours later, they are holding boarding passes for their last leg of the flight to Entebbe. They will arrive in the evening and get a good night's sleep before heading out for ministry work tomorrow. God bless them for enduring four days straight of travel nightmares! I think God must have a special place reserved in heaven for trooper's like that! Blessings Peter - we are still praying you on your way!


Dennise said...

Hi Sweetie,

Marilyn and I are praying big prayers for you. Please keep in touch because it really helps me. Thanks for all the emails and keep them coming! Because of all the warfare to get there, it must be very important to God that you are there.


Samuel W. Gray said...

Hey Peter!

I hear you actually made it after all of that! Praise God!

And remember... "When you ask for patience, God doesn't give it to you, he gives you opportunities to be patient." - Evan Almighty

And on top of that... the journey is just beginning! So hang on for the ride, God's taking you places!